Permanent eyeliner


  • Duration | 180 mins
  • Cost | $??

No more smears or smudges!
You will look your best everyday even after shower, exercise or swim.
Eyeliner can be done in many styles and colors from soft, natural-looking lash enhancement to a defined line to accentuate eyes.
Eyeliner can create illusion of larger eyes and intensify eye color at the same time.

Benefits of permanent eyeliner

  • Enhances the appearance and overall look of the eyes
  • Eyelashes appear fuller and thicker
  • Great for people who have very little time to apply makeup
  • Great for people involved with regular sports activities such as swimming
  • Beneficial to people who are unable to wear makeup due to allergies and contact lens wearer


Before your procedure

  • No alcohol or caffeinated product’s 24 hours before to treatment and no aspirin or blood-thinning medication’s five (5) days prior.
  • Makeup should be removed and the skin thoroughly cleansed before procedure, unless you would like to consult with your technician about your current style of make up. For optimal results, the skin to be treated should not be irritated.
  • If you use or have used Retin-A, Accutane, or any other skin medications, please advise the technician.
  • Pain Preparation: Though the sensation of micro pigment implantation is minimal, clients respond differently. Some will feel a stronger sensation than others. Overall, procedures require minimal pain preparation. However, some client’s have taken over-the-counter Tylenol, thirty (30) minutes before treatment. This will not interfere with the procedure. Please advise me of any medications taken.

Do not wear contact lenses during the procedure or for 24 hours after.


Healing and aftercare

The “after care” procedures are as important to the retention of the pigment as the actual implantation process.
During this period, the primary objective is to allow the bonding process to be completely sealed inside the dermis. Your compliance will ensure that you receive maximum benefits from the procedure and reduce inconvenient follow-up visits.

  • Day 1

This can vary from slightly puffy to swollen, heavy lids; light sensitive and possibly bloodshot eyes. It’s advisable to sleep in an elevated position to help reduce swelling at night. Ice packs can be applied for 10 to 15 minutes each hour for the first 4-8 hours following the procedure. The ice is used to reduce swelling and provide comfort. Apply A&D ointment, if you are not allergic to it, with a Q-Tip in the procedure area for the first 24 hours.

  • Day 2

Eyes will be swollen and perhaps a bit ‘crusty’ upon waking. The swelling will reduce after being in an upright position and from blinking and increased circulation to the area. Avoid heavy lifting, physical exertion, and crying. If you experience any residual swelling the following day, you may ice them again. Apply Vitamin E oil or liquid, with a Q-tip.

  • Day 3

Eyes will be less swollen, but will feel tight. The lash area will feel sore if touched. Apply Vitamin E oil or liquid, with a Q-tip.

  • Day 4

The top layer of skin will begin to flake off in little stitch looking lines, although some people do not notice the exfoliation. DO NOT PICK– you will pull pigment out and end up with uneven color. Blinking helps eliminate the small pieces of pigment and epidermis that has detached. It is important not to pick at it or rub the eyes. Apply Vitamin E oil or liquid, with a Q-tip.

  • Day 7-9

All shedding should be complete. You are safe to put your face back in the shower spray. During this time, the tattoo may appear to have vanished, this is a normal part of the healing process, and the pigment will re-emerge.

  • Day 10

Pigment, if it faded, should have returned. What you see now is very close to the healed result. If it is not as you like, please wait the final three weeks and return for a touch-up procedure.

NOTE: The outcome of permanent cosmetic procedures is dictated by the canvas (your skin). The better condition your skin is in, the better the final result will be. Very oily, dry, or sun damaged skin can be very difficult to achieve a beautiful even result. Mature clients may need an additional one to two weeks healing for the final results to appear.
The better you take care of your skin and protect it from UV rays, the better the outcome and lifespan of the permanent cosmetics procedures.


Aftercare tips

  • No soap, cleanser or shampoo on the treated area for seven (7) days. Soap and cleansers are designed to remove any foreign substances. Obviously, this is detrimental to the bonding process required for the pigment to become permanent.
  • All cleansing should be done with a clean Q-tip dipped in cool water and gently dabbed on the treated area. Do not rub the area in any way.
  • Please do not use fingers as they may have bacteria on them. Do not use mineral oil or petroleum based products such as Vaseline. Use the Q-tip in a gentle dabbing motion as not to disrupt the pigmentation bonding process. This will keep the area moist and accelerate the healing.

Do not let the treatment area dry out.

  • For at least two (2) weeks, you need to minimize exposure to the sun. I discourage swimming in fresh, salt or chlorinated pool water.
  • Refrain from hot steamy showers or long baths for he healing period.
  • Postpone other facial treatments for 2 weeks after the final procedure.
  • If you use Retin-A, do not allow it close to the treated area. It will cause the area to peel and lighten.

If any form of redness, tenderness, drainage, fever or rash occurs, please contact us or your health care provider immediate.


Is the procedure painful?

No. Topical anesthetic is used for all procedures and has absolutely no adverse effects on final results.
Tylenol, thirty (30) minutes before treatment is allowed.This will not interfere with the procedure.

How will I look immediately after the procedure?

Slightly puffy to swollen, heavy lids; light sensitive.
Judgment of your results should be deferred until three to four weeks following the final procedure. Please remember, immediately following the procedure, your eyeliner can look harsh and painted on. It will soften up and look a lot more natural as it heals…please be patient.

Can i wear mascara after the procedure ?

Do not use mascara until outer healing is complete (3-5 days).

When should a follow-up be scheduled?

Three- four weeks after first application. Expect permanent makeup to last between 3-7 years.
Optimal lasting results are obtained by scheduling quick touchups as needed.



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